Sunday, May 12, 2013

Baby #3 - Birth Story

Baby #3’s Birth Story
April 15, 2013 – 10:10pm
6lbs, 14oz. – 19.5”
On Sunday, April 14, 2013 I was having some painful contractions but nothing frequent or time-able enough. I finally went to bed around 11-12 after bouncing on my exercise ball for a little over an hour. The contractions were still strong and started coming about 7 minutes apart. This lasted for a few hours, and finally around 2:30-3am I wondered if this might be the start of labor. I was going to call my mom after the next contraction to come watch baby #1. However, the next contraction then came 14 minutes later. BUMMER. I figured it was for the best and did my best to sleep.
The next morning (April 15) I woke up late since Baby #1 had slept in. When I woke up, I needed to hurry and get ready for my doctor’s appointment. I had a contraction right when I woke up, then one 15 minutes later, two that were 7 minutes apart, and then they started coming less than 5 minutes apart. The average was about 3 minutes apart. I hurried and got ready for the doctor still. I tried calling the office to see if I should come in, or just go straight to the hospital because they were getting stronger and staying close together. I never got ahold of the nurses so I went into the clinic. I kept trying to have hubby make me a good breakfast because I felt positive I was going to be admitted to the hospital and wouldn’t be allowed to eat. Instead, I ate a granola bar on the way and called my mom to let her know I was having contractions. She said to let her know what the doctor said, and if we got admitted she’d come from my sister's. Once we got to the doctor’s office, I knew it was a bad idea to come.
We were sitting in the packed waiting room, and my contractions were starting to get more intense. I told Josh to go ask the front desk for my favorite nurse. She came out and I told her I was having strong, regular contractions hoping they’d get us back quicker and I wouldn’t have to be watched. I don’t think she quite understood how strong they actually were and so we sat there for over 40 minutes. By the time they called us back I was in a lot of pain. They did my blood pressure, weight, and urine samples and then checked me. I was at a 5 and 90% effaced. They declared that I was for sure in labor, and that they’d send me up to the hospital. The first doctor I saw said to hurry and go eat something but try not to eat something that was too fast food-ish. I settled on my favorite Pizza Pie Café.
Then they decided to hook me up to monitors and do a non-stress test to make sure baby was handling the contractions well. He was, but I think they were surprised at the intensity of them and they got really worried I’d have this baby SOON. They told me to go up to the hospital and check in but not to eat. WHAT A BUMMER. They were planning on coming right away to break my water. HOORAY! We went straight to the hospital and checked in. It took awhile to walk to labor and delivery because of construction and my contractions. When we got to the check in desk the doctor’s office hadn’t called ahead so we had to answer all sorts of questions. They finally admitted us and put us in a room. I put on my gown and got hooked up to monitors again. All while having awful contractions and not being able to get up and move around. The doctors finally came, but I’d decided to get an epidural. They decided to wait until they got that in to break my water. Therefore we had to wait for an IV (which took multiple tries since they kept blowing veins) to put in a certain amount of fluids and THEN they could give then epidural, and only then would the doctors break my water. That was at 1:30. They finally were able to come break my water at 5:30 since they clinic had gotten SO busy. Talk about a major bummer since I hadn’t progressed at all in all that time. They broke my water, and baby’s heartbeat started to decelerate with every contraction. They figured it was because I had too little fluid now so his umbilical cord was getting pinched with each contraction. They did an amnio-infusion which helped a lot. However, my contractions were coming too fast and too hard.
They gave me terbutaline to slow and soften my contractions. They wanted baby to be doing well, then if necessary they would give me Pitocin. Since I was going for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) I started getting a little worried I would end up with a repeat c-section after all that. However, the terbutaline worked GREAT and just slowed and eased them enough that they were still STRONG but at least they were effective contractions. This all happened around 6. From that point I progressed about 1 cm every 45 minutes.  I’d been telling them I was really numb, but it was finally apparent to them just how numb I was and they lowered my dose of epidural. It didn’t help. Finally around 9 they said I was at a 9. HOORAY! They thought I’d start pushing in about 20 minutes. However, I was still super super numb so they turned it off until I could start to move my legs a bit. They started waking up just enough so hubby and my mom held my legs and they had me push once to see if baby was close enough. Apparently my one big push was definitely enough and they started scrambling to get everything ready for the delivery.
A resident that is one of my doctor’s brothers was there the day I delivered. He was also there ironically (since he went to school in Iowa – 20 min from my hometown) the night I delivered Baby #2. He remembered us well and actually performed the delivery of Baby #3. They got all scrubbed and in place and had me push with each contraction. After about 15-20 minutes with a tiny help of the vacuum, Baby #3 arrived at 10:10pm. He started crying right away, and just like with Baby #1, I started crying too. That first cry is just so amazing! He was put right on my chest and he cried solid for the next hour. I held him and rocked him. This was amazing to me since I didn’t get to do it with my first two babies. They took him and weighed him in at 6 lbs, 14 oz. and measured him at 19.5”. He was then given back and I nursed him. He started nursing like a champ right away. We are SO thrilled with this precious boy and are amazed by the miracle he is. It was a long, hard road, but we couldn’t be any happier with the outcome! :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

As of February 5th!

On my birthday I had an appointment for my shot. However, I'd been having contractions so they decided to do a full exam. Check me out with the speculum, do an internal exam, and a cervical length check. The exam showed that I was softening, but the doctor didn't seem too worried after my length was still around 3.5cm. He did have me keep my appointment for February 4th and normally he has me do every two weeks (not that we've ever made it that long).

Yesterday, February 4th, I went to the doctor again. It was my 28th week so I had the joy of doing my glucose intolerance test. I PASSED! YAY! We also did another vaginal ultrasound, and I was measuring 1 cm less in the length then last week, not so yay. :( As of now I'm just supposed to "take it easy". Not so fun/easy when you're a nesting mama that wants the house to look nice, and hubby works full time and goes to school full time. Right now my cervical length is about 2.47cm. Anything under 3 before 36 weeks is a cause for concern. Hoping I can keep myself down as much as possible and let baby boy BAKE!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Baby boy!

Here are a few of the pictures we got of baby boy. One is proof that he is in fact a boy, and another his profile! So glad he finally cooperated! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bedrest continues, but much more relaxed...

   On the 10th of December I went in for my big 20-week ultrasound. All looked great with baby and the tech got at least a fairly good picture showing that this little man is indeed a little man. He has NOT liked to cooperate for ANY of these ultrasounds though, so the picture kind of stunk. Oh well. We also were unable to get a profile picture... Again. However, my cervix looked GREAT! It's not showing any signs of funneling thanks to the cerclage, and was sitting right around 4 cm long. YAY! Because of this I was told to continue bedrest but with LIGHT activity allowed. Basically I could walk a little and actually SIT. HOORAY. It's crazy how much better the world seems when you don't have to be horizontal the whole time!
   I went in the next week, and was basically told the same thing. Bedrest with limited activity. However, I was granted permission to stay with Kaylee by myself and get up to get her dinner, changed diapers, etc. so I didn't need help around 24-7 just for her.
    At this last ultrasound (the 24th) I admitted that because Josh was working, everyone was gone for Christmas, and Kaylee had been sick that I'd ended up needing to lift her more (into bed after snuggling, etc) than I would have liked. They told me that since I was still at 4 cm, that it was okay if I NEEDED to lift her. That if Josh is at work and it's naptime or whatever and he can't make it home that I'm fine to do it. When necessary. This is a HUGE improvement, but I'm still trying not to lift her anymore than necessary. I am allowed out of the house more, and I'm living it up driving the scooter around Walmart, but I always have to go WITH Josh or leave Kaylee at home with him since I don't want to lift her. I'm still not allowed to do housework... no cleaning, dishes, cooking, or lifting unless absolutely necessary. It seems like that'd be the dream, but I have a hard time being patient and relying on others to help.
    Josh has been bending over backwards trying to do it all, but it just doesn't happen while working full time. It will be even worse starting Monday once he starts school full time in ADDITION to working full time (it'll be the first time he's ever done that as well). We've asked the ward for help, and a few others have expressed interest in helping, so I'm REALLY hoping that it will all work out and I don't end up overdoing it. Hopefully I'll get less and less restricted as I progress further into my pregnancy. :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Baby #3 - Funneling and Bedrest

    The ultrasound tech knew she was seeing something that COULD be a problem, but she wanted me to meet with the doctor before "diagnosing" me. So we waited anxiously in yet another room. :) The doctor came in and told me that there was funneling. Essentially my cervix has been effacing from the inside out. In less than a week it was showing that I'd effaced over 2 cm. Needless to say I was put on bed rest right away with another appointment scheduled two days later. Same thing, possibly just a little worse at our appointment Wednesday. The doctor wasn't sure what to think because the funneling wasn't presenting at all times, just here and there. He wanted to consult with a perinatologist and talk to me again Friday about different options. I was told to go home and was on STRICT bed rest. I was to lay, preferably on my left side, at all times except to eat, go to the bathroom, and to shower. We did that for two days until my appointment on Friday. During that two day period I researched all sorts of things about funneling, cerclage (sewing my cervix shut), and many other things. That night I felt really strongly I should have a cerclage.
    Before my appointment Friday, my favorite nurse texted me and told me not to eat or drink anything. We knew then they wanted to do the cerclage as well. We went and waited to see what they said. The doctor did another ultrasound and then we talked about doing a cerclage. Once we'd agreed on that they worked on getting an OR ready for me about an hour later. We headed straight to the hospital from the doctor's office (less than a block away) and checked ourselves in. They did all sorts of prep work and got all the paperwork, IVs, etc done. Then I just waited in the hospital room for them to wheel me back. Hubby was allowed to wait in my room, so before I was taken back he ran to get some food, and some chapstick for me :) If all went well the procedure was only supposed to take 10-15 minutes.
   I was wheeled into the OR and was given a spinal anesthesia, similar to an epidural but way lower, and they gave me a different drug so it only lasted about an hour and a half so I could go home sooner. Once I was numb they started the procedure. I was awake and talking during the entire procedure and he ended up putting in two stitches. All looked well when being monitored by ultrasound at the same time. After the doctor told me it had gone better than his best hope had been, and that he knew he'd had some extra help from above. I was then monitored for about 30 minutes before being taken back to my hospital room and my waiting hubby. All looked great. I felt like crap and was pretty tired, but was glad all went well. A nurse from labor and delivery came down with a fetal doppler so I could hear my baby. She had a HARD time finding it. I wasn't even worried since I'd heard it during and after the surgery, I just felt she was incompetent haha. She finally found it after about 15-20 minutes. I was allowed to go home a few hours later once everything had woken up. I went into the OR after 1, and was home by 5. More bedrest was prescribed until my appointment on Monday.
    The next day came, and I decided I wanted to hear that heartbeat again, just for peace of mind. My favorite nurse was already in the clinic despite it being a "day off" and told me to come right in. When I walked in the doctor told me he'd just been about to call me and did a full check of me. Vaginal ultrasound, check with a speculum, and an internal exam. It HURT BAD since I was so sore. It was about my 5th internal check this pregnancy,  but I cried... a lot. Everything looked way better than expected after less than 24 hours later. I was told to continue with bedrest.
   On Monday I went in for another appointment. My nurse had told the doctor how darn sore I was (a different doctor), and he decided not to aggravate me more. Heartbeat looked good, and was told bedrest for another week. Tomorrow (Monday the 10th) is my next appointment. It's the big 20 week ultrasound, and the usual checks I've been getting and another fun progesterone shot. Results to come!!

Baby #3 - Part 2

   I was seen by doctors right away during this pregnancy because I was considered high risk... especially since we don't know why we had Baby #2 so early. I can't exactly remember the order things happened... I think I first got an ultrasound around 5 weeks because I was spotting. Whatever the order, I've had a LOT of ultrasounds this pregnancy. In my first trimester I was tested for gestational diabetes and also had to monitor my blood sugar at home. The same day I took my 3-hour test for gestational diabetes, I first went in fasting for ALL these vials of blood. Holy moly.

   I'm lucky to have such wonderful doctors that have been willing to check me out whenever I want, and have worked with me so well. All appointments, ultrasounds, and blood work had come back fantastic so we were proceeding with me being just high risk, but not knowing why. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving the doctor and my favorite nurse EVER went into the office especially for me because I was having back pain, and we were concerned because I'd had BAD back labor with Baby #2. All looked great, so we scheduled another appointment for Monday morning when I was supposed to be getting my 2nd progesterone shot anyway. They wanted to do an ultrasound to double check that everything was looking good, and I really wanted one for peace of mind since I was entering my 18th week on the 25th of November and we had Baby #2 when I was 18.5 weeks.
   Monday came and I got my shot after a long wait in the waiting room. They then turned on an OLD ultrasound machine, but left right away. When they came back into the room I asked for them to tell me gender if at all possible during the ultrasound (they'd been doing mostly vaginal ultrasounds, but baby did NOT like to cooperate during any of the others) to give me something else to focus on during a week that would've been tough for me emotionally. They told me they'd need a better machine, and I said that I would wait. :)
   They moved me to another room, and then the ultrasound tech decided to do it herself so I moved into yet another room. They did the ultrasound on my belly and she was 90% sure it was a boy. Like I said, baby does NOT like to cooperate! Then, they wanted to check my cervix again, so she did a vaginal ultrasound. That's when they found the funneling...

Baby #3 - The beginning!

We'd been trying for a few months (ever since we were given the go-ahead by doctors that it was safe to try again). I REALLY wanted a baby, and I especially wanted to be pregnant again before my due date with Baby #2 arrived (August 21). We tried for a few months without success. My cycle tends to be fairly regular and always starts in the morning. Well, after wasting a few high end pregnancy tests I decided I WOULD be patient, and wait until a week after. The day my period was supposed to come... nothing happened. I was doing my best not to think about it, and succeeded fairly well since I didn't want to waste a lot of money on tests... again, until a friend asked if I'd taken a test yet, and suggested some dollar store pregnancy tests that had worked with her about a month earlier. I decided to run to the dollar store and I bought 3. I then had other errands and stuff that kept me busy all day. She asked if I'd taken one, but I hadn't gotten around to it. By the time I got home it was time for Baby #1's bedtime, so I hurried and fed her, and decided to take a test while she was eating. I watched the progression and when two lines didn't show up like they had in the past with this type of test, I got frustrated and walked away. Baby #1 ended up having a tantrum, and by the time I checked the test again awhile later, it had been at least an hour, but TWO LINES were there. I was shocked, but I'd heard about a line of demarcation that can give false positives so I called my friend who'd taken this type of test before. She said she wasn't sure and to take another.
    So I did. I took another test and two lines showed up again! To be safe I also took a digital clear blue test with the same result. WE WERE PREGNANT! Yay! I found out I was pregnant 4 days before my due date... My prayers were answered!

Since hubby was very aware of my cycle at this point, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the secret for very long. I hurried and made him a little horoscope to share the news: