Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Baby boy!

Here are a few of the pictures we got of baby boy. One is proof that he is in fact a boy, and another his profile! So glad he finally cooperated! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bedrest continues, but much more relaxed...

   On the 10th of December I went in for my big 20-week ultrasound. All looked great with baby and the tech got at least a fairly good picture showing that this little man is indeed a little man. He has NOT liked to cooperate for ANY of these ultrasounds though, so the picture kind of stunk. Oh well. We also were unable to get a profile picture... Again. However, my cervix looked GREAT! It's not showing any signs of funneling thanks to the cerclage, and was sitting right around 4 cm long. YAY! Because of this I was told to continue bedrest but with LIGHT activity allowed. Basically I could walk a little and actually SIT. HOORAY. It's crazy how much better the world seems when you don't have to be horizontal the whole time!
   I went in the next week, and was basically told the same thing. Bedrest with limited activity. However, I was granted permission to stay with Kaylee by myself and get up to get her dinner, changed diapers, etc. so I didn't need help around 24-7 just for her.
    At this last ultrasound (the 24th) I admitted that because Josh was working, everyone was gone for Christmas, and Kaylee had been sick that I'd ended up needing to lift her more (into bed after snuggling, etc) than I would have liked. They told me that since I was still at 4 cm, that it was okay if I NEEDED to lift her. That if Josh is at work and it's naptime or whatever and he can't make it home that I'm fine to do it. When necessary. This is a HUGE improvement, but I'm still trying not to lift her anymore than necessary. I am allowed out of the house more, and I'm living it up driving the scooter around Walmart, but I always have to go WITH Josh or leave Kaylee at home with him since I don't want to lift her. I'm still not allowed to do housework... no cleaning, dishes, cooking, or lifting unless absolutely necessary. It seems like that'd be the dream, but I have a hard time being patient and relying on others to help.
    Josh has been bending over backwards trying to do it all, but it just doesn't happen while working full time. It will be even worse starting Monday once he starts school full time in ADDITION to working full time (it'll be the first time he's ever done that as well). We've asked the ward for help, and a few others have expressed interest in helping, so I'm REALLY hoping that it will all work out and I don't end up overdoing it. Hopefully I'll get less and less restricted as I progress further into my pregnancy. :)