On my birthday I had an appointment for my shot. However, I'd been having contractions so they decided to do a full exam. Check me out with the speculum, do an internal exam, and a cervical length check. The exam showed that I was softening, but the doctor didn't seem too worried after my length was still around 3.5cm. He did have me keep my appointment for February 4th and normally he has me do every two weeks (not that we've ever made it that long).
Yesterday, February 4th, I went to the doctor again. It was my 28th week so I had the joy of doing my glucose intolerance test. I PASSED! YAY! We also did another vaginal ultrasound, and I was measuring 1 cm less in the length then last week, not so yay. :( As of now I'm just supposed to "take it easy". Not so fun/easy when you're a nesting mama that wants the house to look nice, and hubby works full time and goes to school full time. Right now my cervical length is about 2.47cm. Anything under 3 before 36 weeks is a cause for concern. Hoping I can keep myself down as much as possible and let baby boy BAKE!