Sunday, December 9, 2012

Baby #3 - The beginning!

We'd been trying for a few months (ever since we were given the go-ahead by doctors that it was safe to try again). I REALLY wanted a baby, and I especially wanted to be pregnant again before my due date with Baby #2 arrived (August 21). We tried for a few months without success. My cycle tends to be fairly regular and always starts in the morning. Well, after wasting a few high end pregnancy tests I decided I WOULD be patient, and wait until a week after. The day my period was supposed to come... nothing happened. I was doing my best not to think about it, and succeeded fairly well since I didn't want to waste a lot of money on tests... again, until a friend asked if I'd taken a test yet, and suggested some dollar store pregnancy tests that had worked with her about a month earlier. I decided to run to the dollar store and I bought 3. I then had other errands and stuff that kept me busy all day. She asked if I'd taken one, but I hadn't gotten around to it. By the time I got home it was time for Baby #1's bedtime, so I hurried and fed her, and decided to take a test while she was eating. I watched the progression and when two lines didn't show up like they had in the past with this type of test, I got frustrated and walked away. Baby #1 ended up having a tantrum, and by the time I checked the test again awhile later, it had been at least an hour, but TWO LINES were there. I was shocked, but I'd heard about a line of demarcation that can give false positives so I called my friend who'd taken this type of test before. She said she wasn't sure and to take another.
    So I did. I took another test and two lines showed up again! To be safe I also took a digital clear blue test with the same result. WE WERE PREGNANT! Yay! I found out I was pregnant 4 days before my due date... My prayers were answered!

Since hubby was very aware of my cycle at this point, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the secret for very long. I hurried and made him a little horoscope to share the news:

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