Sunday, December 9, 2012

Baby #3 - Funneling and Bedrest

    The ultrasound tech knew she was seeing something that COULD be a problem, but she wanted me to meet with the doctor before "diagnosing" me. So we waited anxiously in yet another room. :) The doctor came in and told me that there was funneling. Essentially my cervix has been effacing from the inside out. In less than a week it was showing that I'd effaced over 2 cm. Needless to say I was put on bed rest right away with another appointment scheduled two days later. Same thing, possibly just a little worse at our appointment Wednesday. The doctor wasn't sure what to think because the funneling wasn't presenting at all times, just here and there. He wanted to consult with a perinatologist and talk to me again Friday about different options. I was told to go home and was on STRICT bed rest. I was to lay, preferably on my left side, at all times except to eat, go to the bathroom, and to shower. We did that for two days until my appointment on Friday. During that two day period I researched all sorts of things about funneling, cerclage (sewing my cervix shut), and many other things. That night I felt really strongly I should have a cerclage.
    Before my appointment Friday, my favorite nurse texted me and told me not to eat or drink anything. We knew then they wanted to do the cerclage as well. We went and waited to see what they said. The doctor did another ultrasound and then we talked about doing a cerclage. Once we'd agreed on that they worked on getting an OR ready for me about an hour later. We headed straight to the hospital from the doctor's office (less than a block away) and checked ourselves in. They did all sorts of prep work and got all the paperwork, IVs, etc done. Then I just waited in the hospital room for them to wheel me back. Hubby was allowed to wait in my room, so before I was taken back he ran to get some food, and some chapstick for me :) If all went well the procedure was only supposed to take 10-15 minutes.
   I was wheeled into the OR and was given a spinal anesthesia, similar to an epidural but way lower, and they gave me a different drug so it only lasted about an hour and a half so I could go home sooner. Once I was numb they started the procedure. I was awake and talking during the entire procedure and he ended up putting in two stitches. All looked well when being monitored by ultrasound at the same time. After the doctor told me it had gone better than his best hope had been, and that he knew he'd had some extra help from above. I was then monitored for about 30 minutes before being taken back to my hospital room and my waiting hubby. All looked great. I felt like crap and was pretty tired, but was glad all went well. A nurse from labor and delivery came down with a fetal doppler so I could hear my baby. She had a HARD time finding it. I wasn't even worried since I'd heard it during and after the surgery, I just felt she was incompetent haha. She finally found it after about 15-20 minutes. I was allowed to go home a few hours later once everything had woken up. I went into the OR after 1, and was home by 5. More bedrest was prescribed until my appointment on Monday.
    The next day came, and I decided I wanted to hear that heartbeat again, just for peace of mind. My favorite nurse was already in the clinic despite it being a "day off" and told me to come right in. When I walked in the doctor told me he'd just been about to call me and did a full check of me. Vaginal ultrasound, check with a speculum, and an internal exam. It HURT BAD since I was so sore. It was about my 5th internal check this pregnancy,  but I cried... a lot. Everything looked way better than expected after less than 24 hours later. I was told to continue with bedrest.
   On Monday I went in for another appointment. My nurse had told the doctor how darn sore I was (a different doctor), and he decided not to aggravate me more. Heartbeat looked good, and was told bedrest for another week. Tomorrow (Monday the 10th) is my next appointment. It's the big 20 week ultrasound, and the usual checks I've been getting and another fun progesterone shot. Results to come!!

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